Juices TU

Technical specifications (TU) are standards developed in-house by the manufacturing company. They are necessary for quality assurance and control, creation of a stable assortment. TU describe the requirements to all stages of production, quality of raw materials, etc. Availability of TU allows to avoid disputable situations in the chain of producer - supplier - potential consumer.

Functions of technical specifications

  1. Combining all stages of the production chain.
  2. Guaranteed consistent product quality.
  3. Development of effective control methods.
  4. Creation of unique recipes.
  5. Ensuring safety.
  6. Protection of manufacturer's rights in case of disputable situations.
  7. Reducing the percentage of manufacturing defects.

TUs have a unified structure, and their development can be ordered from specialized companies that are familiar with the specifics of preparing, approving and registering this document. TU can regulate the production of a single product or several products.

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